Kickstart your journey as a freelance copywriter in 6 months time (or less)… and earn a sustainable 4-figure income every month!

You pernah tak terfikir:

“Eh I nak cuba freelancing lah, tapi I tak tau macam mana nak start” 

“I tak tau nak cari client macam mana”

“I tak tau nak letak harga berapa”

You takut nak mula.

You tak confident you boleh buat dengan betul. I was like you too.

I was scared, clueless, and felt so loss navigating life as a freelance copywriter.

I did eventually start freelancing, and honestly? Life has never been better.

I achieved freedom thanks to freelancing. And so can you.

Hey there, I’m Coach Naz.

Back in 2018, I was just another person trying to find ways to make money online by reselling other people's products.

And all those times, I kept having this thought in my mind:

“I was born for something much more than this.” 

That’s why I started offering copywriting services. I was then hired as a Creative Content Manager, and later as a full-fledged Copywriter at a digital marketing agency. But it wasn’t until I started freelancing that I truly felt that my life has changed for the better. I get to work wherever I want, whenever I want. I was even able to move abroad to stay with my husband! This is my biggest dream in life and thanks to my freelancing career, I’m able to choose this option. 

Now, before you say this is all just a pipe dream, let me just tell you this:

As with anything else, freelancing takes a lot of time and dedication.

Tapi kalau you tak mula dari sekarang, macam mana you nak progress kan?

If you keep saying:

“Alaa nanti-nantilah buat”

“Ramai dah jadi copywriter”

“Belajar sendiri sendiri pun boleh”

And the good life never comes? 

That’s on you.

Tapi kalau you decide to go through with this?

That’s where I come in:

To hold your hand as you make your first step.

Tak ada lagi rasa takut nak cuba.

Tak ada lagi rasa tak tahu apa nak buat.

Tak ada lagi rasa lost and clueless when it comes to your freelancing career.

I will be with you every steps of the way.

Look what FCIP participants said so far:

Kalau takde FCIP mungkin aku tak mula freelancing lagi sampai sekarang dan masih lagi belajar teori je tak habis-habis.” – Azad

“Before this, rasa buat kerja banyak tapi payment tak setara. Sekarang dah berani naikkan harga service lepas buat kira-kira macam belajar kat kelas.” – Nasra

“Walaupun secara kasar pengalaman saya dalam marketing lagi panjang daripada Naz, tapi ilmu Naz kongsikan sangat membantu saya susun keutamaan & buat kerja freelancing saya lebih terurus.” – Ainul 

Freelance Copywriter Incubator Programme (FCIP) 

The only programme where you’ll learn the ins and outs of freelancing as a copywriter

FCIP is a 6-month incubator programme designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and preparation so you can become a high-earning Freelance Copywriter.

Why 6 months?

So that you boleh apply apa yang I ajar in between the 8 modules I have carefully curated for you.

Let's run through them one by one.

Module 1: Business Setup

Freelancing is a business. I’ll show you how to lay the foundation properly so you’ll spare yourself from future troubles.

We’ll discuss:

-The importance of licence

-Why having professional contact details is more crucial than you think

-The best marketing platform for you as a freelance copywriter

Module 2: Branding

Think of branding as a client magnet. If you are a client, freelance copywriter macam mana yang you akan cari?

Sneak peek:

-Do this while building your personal brand and you’ll be unforgettable

-The content creation plan I myself use to never run out of ideas

-3 easy steps to get yourself discovered by your ideal clients on social media

-Stop fighting over jobs at overcrowd freelancing platform and build your own freelance profile base

Module 3: Services Setup

Copywriting ni bukan setakat tulis caption je tau. And if you call yourself a copywriter, you should know this fact. There are other services you can offer to gain experience quicker than anyone else.


-High-paying copywriting services to offer 

-To niche or not to niche?

-How to build a portfolio (even if you’ve never written any copy before)

Module 4: Getting Clients

Finding (good) clients is hard. But you can make the process easier.

We’ll consider:

-How to determine your ideal clients (and where to find them)

-The ethical way to approach clients

-My rule of thumb when setting up pricing and packages for my freelance copywriting services

Module 5: Client Onboarding

Freelancers deal with clients all the time. You need a good system in place to manage their expectations and avoid clients who micromanage you all the time and doesn’t value your work.

A preview:

-The 1 action you should take before saying “yes” to any potential client

-Essential documents you need as a freelancer

-The all-important onboarding process that will set you apart from other freelancers

Module 6: Client Communication

As a freelancer, your goal is to have a sustainable income. Believe it or not, a quick conversation just might get you there.
Some keypoints:
-A subtle and polite way to tell your client “let me work in peace”

-How to turn your one-off clients into monthly retainers

-How to increase your price without actually doing more work? 

Module 7: Recalibrating

It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. But if you are well-prepared, nothing can stop you.

Learn how to:

-Handle losing clients and income hit

-Deal with difficult clients and impossible tasks

-How to deal with burnout as a freelance copywriter

Module 8: Growing Your Business

Don’t be content with average. After all, life is a continuous learning process.

Final lesson:

-Instilling the right mindset and attitude

-Identifying further skills to learn

-Seeking mentorship

“So far FCIP ni membantu I untuk review semula benda basic dan teknikal yang sepatutnya I kena buat tapi I tak buat. It keeps me back on track.” – Nasra

“Copywriting course ada banyak tempat boleh belajar. Nak belajar cara freelancing specifically for copywriter ni susah nak jumpa. Sebab tu join FCIP.” – Khairie

“Banyak tips & trick yang kalau boleh saya nak tahu lebih awal 7 tahun. Tak jumpa dekat kelas orang lain.” – Ainul

Now, let’s talk value.

Honestly, I find the word value to be thrown around a lot these days.

Which kinda makes it lose its meaning at one point.

But I just want you to understand:

I’m investing my valuable time in this, too.

The time I can spend elsewhere?

I choose to spend it to guide you so that you won’t have to go through the hardships I experienced.

Nak tau satu rahsia tak?

Kalau the first batch FCIP haritu tak successful or helpful langsung?

I’d have just stopped there.

That’s the thing, though.

It was successful.

It did help.

“Bila Naz ajar cara calculate harga tu, I betul-betul revise balik the expenses & my current rate. I kira balik berapa nilai masa I untuk siapkan kerja. Tak jauh naik tapi rasa lagi puas. Naik dalam 20% than previous rate” – Ainul

FCIP is changing lives, what value would you put to that?

I have an idea or two:

1- Access to all 8 modules — that alone is worth RM1999.

All 6 years of my copywriting experience, 3 years writing copy for my business and another 3 years working 'officially' as a copywriter and claiming the title proudly.

PLUS, 4 years of freelancing since 2020. The first 2 years I'm not earning much and was still comfortable being in my cocoon and depending on my full-time job salary, and then BOOM!

I quit my job in August 2022, and since then, have been freelancing full-time as a copywriter.

All the dos and donts, all laid out for you.

And these bonuses are more than enough to help you navigate the freelancing world.

2- Access to PDF downloadable materials (templates, contracts, invoice, checklist, portfolio etc) – worth RM499

3- 6-month access to Telegram support group – worth RM699

4- Personal branding E-book  – worth RM59

5- 1:1 session with me – worth RM297

6- FREE 1-month membership after FCIP ends – worth RM97

7- Lifetime access to class recordings - worth RM999

In total?

VALUE: RM4,649

I consider FCIP to be worth a staggering RM4,649.

One paycheck, and then some. Right?

Speaking of paycheck, imagine this:

Your phone on the work desk lights up. It’s a whatsApp message from one of your clients.

“I made the payment to your bank account. It was great working with you.”

And with that you just made an extra RM1,000 in that month.

Only 2 hours a day. Without having to quit your 9-5 job.

Wouldn’t you say it’s worth it?

Fast forward 12 months later, that’s RM12,000!

Would that amount mean something to you and your family?

You’re investing RM4,649 for a return of RM12,000.

That’s what real value is all about.

And as long as you understand that’s the kind of value you’re getting in this programme?

I don't have the heart to charge you that much, at least not this year.

I believe with all my heart FCIP will pave the way for you to be the best version of yourself.

But only if you put in the effort as well.

If you can promise me just that, I’ll keep the early bird fee as low as RM597.

Regain control of your future now.

You made it this far.

I respect that.

Most people I know would’ve already closed the tab and continued watching Netflix or whatnot.

But not you. 

And that alone speaks a lot about yourself. 

That what you value the most in life is knowledge.

I believe success starts from taking action and making small progress.

If you’re willing to take that action now…

I have one last news for you:

FCIP is not open for just anyone.

To ensure yang I betul-betul boleh tolong you and make sure that our goals are aligned, I have to cherry-pick the participants.

So, if you are:

A newbie copywriter who wants to start offering copywriting services, or

An existing copywriter who's yet to earn a high income through freelancing

This programme is PERFECT for you.

Register fast, sebab lepas je cukup 20 orang, I akan terus tutup registration.

And I’ve already picked 10 at the time of this writing.

Sure, you can wait for the next intake.

But it won’t be until 2025 (imagine the time you’ll lose waiting) and I’ll for sure won’t keep the price this low. 

I might even double or triple it to match the value it gives to my participants.

So if you want to make the smarter choice?

Register now, and I'll see you inside.

VALUE: RM4,649



Can I join as a newbie/beginner copywriter?

Of course you can. Cuma as beginners, you tak boleh stop from learning copywriting itself. Nanti I akan share a few copywriting courses yang you boleh join atas inisiatif sendiri untuk improve skill copywriting, sambil join FCIP selama 6 bulan.

FCIP is for English or Malay copywriter?

Dua-dua boleh. No matter which language you use, the job scopes as copywriter remain similar. Our focus is to learn how-to freelance as a copywriter.

Will you also teach how to write copy in FCIP?

If you registered to FCIP, you will be given a list of resources on where to learn copywriting comprehensively. You are advised to learn copywriting (how to write copy) along side joining FCIP.

I’m interested in freelancing but not necessarily in copywriting. Can I still join FCIP?

While I do want to help as many people as I can, I really have to say no. The module is tailored specifically for people who want to become a freelance copywriter only.

When and where will FCIP be held?

It’ll be held from July to December 2024. The exact date will be sent only to selected participants after registration is complete and payment is made. As this is an online program, we’ll use the Zoom platform.

I have a 9-5. Will I be able to attend the live classes?

Of course! Our class will be conducted on weekends and will be recorded for participants who are not able to attend live classes.

Do you accept payment in installments?

For now, my payment system doesn’t support installment plans. I only accept full payment for now.

I still have some further questions before deciding if I should join. How can I reach you?

Feel free to reach me on X! Just DM me and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.

Perhatian! Sila lengkapkan borang di bawah.

Ruangan yang wajib diisi


Produk Kuantiti Harga (RM)
Freelance Copywriter Incubator Program (SUPER EARLY BIRD) HABIS STOK
Freelance Copywriter Incubator Programme (EARLY BIRD)
Caj Perkhidmatan Peniaga (RM)